Processing of personal data/privacy policy
The user/user group declares to accept the following:

User data as provided to PSA will be available to specific PSA staff for administrative/scientific/financial/auditing purposes at central management/access providers offices and to the members of technical boards/reviewing panels for evaluations, rankings and access awards. User data will reside within PSA administrative systems for audits and statistical purposes.

Users acknowledge that the PSA reserves the right to publish name, purpose of access and duration of the visit period on its website, in lists of participants and in other forms of reporting.

Users acknowledge that the PSA reserves the right to perform video recording of all events, in which they may be filmed inadvertently or purposefully, and go public.

Cookie policy
Information note pursuant to Art. 13 of the Decrete n. 196/2003 (also called Privacy Code)

The present information note has been published is compliance with the dispositions of Art.122 of Decrete n.196/2003 and the Decision 229/2014 of the Garante per la Protezione dei Dati Personali regarding cookies.

Users Personal Information, registered or not, may be collected by cookies.

What are cookies?

Cookies are small text files that are sent to the user's terminal equipment by visited websites; they are stored in the user's terminal equipment to be then re-transmitted to the websites on the user's subsequent visits to those websites.

Technical Cookies are used as basic and essential tool for the execution of specific functional services for the improvement of single aspects of the website.

Types of Cookies:

Pursuant to article 122 of the Privacy Code (Personal Data Protection Code), data subject's consent for technical cookies is not required, but this policy is sufficient as their use is limited to the technical storage or the access to already stored information, in fact technical cookies are used exclusively with a view to "carrying out the transmission of a communication on an electronic communications network, or insofar as this is strictly necessary to the provider of an information society service that has been explicitly requested by the contracting party or user to provide the said service."

First-Party Cookies and Third-Party Cookies

By using this website, analytics or technical and profiling cookies can be installed on the user's device, and they can be distinguished in First-Party (the manager of the website that the user is visiting, also called Publisher) and Third-Party Cookies, pursuant to decision n.229/2014. Regarding these last ones, it is important to underline that Third-Party could modify features and functions of cookies, independently from the Publisher's will. In fact, by installing these cookies, the Publisher is a mere technical mediator

Google Analytics EN

These cookies are used to collect aggregate information on the number of visitors and the pattern of visits to the website. They see how visitors move around the website when they are using it and to record which content viewers view and are interested in, helping the Publisher to improve the service and the functioning of the website (e.g. visited pages, errors tat may occur, count of visitors that are using the web services, in order to improve the web experience and the navigation speed).

Those cookies are managed by Google Analytics, a web analytics tool provided by Google Inc. For instance, some Google Analytics cookies are:

__utmz; __utmc; __utmb; __utma; __utmt.

To get more information about these cookies, please visit:

Pursuant to Decision 229/2014, technical tools are adopted in order to reduce the identifying power of these cookies. Google Privacy Policy is available at, whereas Google Analytics Privacy information is available at

How to disable cookies and manage preferences

Most browsers allow cookies to be checked, accepted, or even disabled, cookies using browser settings. It is important to note that disabling technical cookies can compromise the proper functioning of the website and lose user profiles information and preferences. The links for specific instructions of the most popular browsers are listed below:

Internet Explorer:
Moreover, here below the link to disable analytical cookies of Google Analitycs: